A-Z of the Future

Our first project, the A-Z of the Future, explains the ideas, technology and social implications that may define our future.
The project is a collaboration with Matt Tams.

Futurist thinking can be difficult to understand. So many possibilities, so much time - near and far - to take into account, and so much terminology. It’s hard to step back and consider all its moving parts together. That’s the mission we set ourselves for our first project: the A-Z of the Future. It’s a holistic view on futures thinking exploring the ideas, technologies and social implications that may define our future. With 26 terms from A to Z, there are many ways to thread a holistic narrative through it. Here’s one way to consider it >
Learn about each topic in the A-Z:
Anthropocene Biotechnology Complexity Debordering Exponential Growth Fractured Reality Global Warming Hard Problem of Consciousness Intelligence Explosion Joblessness Kinship Life Extension Myths
Nanotechnology Oblivion Panopticism Quantification Resource Depletion Space Colonization
Transhumanism Up/Down Politics Virtual Reality War Xenophobia Youtopia Zero Hour
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